Foreign Film Fridays: “The Handmaiden” (South Korea, 2016)

Welcome to another installment in my ongoing Foreign Films series, in which I take a closer look at some of the best foreign films of the recent past! Today, in my ongoing quest to see all the worthwhile foreign films of the past decade, I’m exploring The Handmaiden (2016), a lesbian romance-thriller from Korean film legend Park Chan-wook. It tells the tale of a young maid tasked with helping a conman seduce a rich heiress – only to fall in love with her herself. With all the recent attention on South Korean cinema thanks to Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite, it seems fitting to dive deeper into the nation’s rich cinematic history and see what else it has to offer. Let’s dive right in!

**Major spoilers ahead.**

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Top 10 Films of 2020 (So Far)

As is tradition here at Scriptophile, I like to mark the occasion of July 1st by highlighting the best of what the first half of the year had to offer. 2020 is an especially odd year, however, with theaters shut down due to COVID-19 and the future of new releases in jeopardy. As such, I saw far fewer movies than I usually do by this point in the year and we may not even have an awards season to look forward to in the fall and winter months! That said, we could all use a little positivity right now and I still love talking about film, so let’s look back and see what the year has had to offer us so far!

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Top 10 Most Overlooked Films of the Last Decade

As a counterbalance to my previous post, I want to do the opposite and talk about some films that DIDN’T get much public recognition but really should have. These are the hidden gems that have slipped through the cracks, the forgotten flicks that should have been remembered alongside their Oscar-nominated kin. Here are the 10 most overlooked films of the 2010’s!

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Top 10 Most Overrated Films of the Last Decade

The 2010’s were overall a strong decade for cinema, with a wide range of films for many different types of audiences to enjoy. But as we all know, there is an objective right and wrong answer to what constitutes a good movie, and if you like a movie that I don’t, it means you’re wrong and stupid. So what better way to celebrate a great decade than by making everyone angry and imposing my own film views on everyone else? Let’s look at the top ten films I believe are waaaay too praised in cinephile circles!

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Best Picture through the Decades: 1960’s

Welcome back to my Best Picture series, in which I watch and review every single film that has won the Academy Awards’ highest honor! We have officially crossed the halfway threshold back in time, and today we’re examining the 1960’s! How do the films from this decade match up with powerhouse decades like the 70’s? Let’s dive in and find out!

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Oscars of the Decade: 2010’s

As 2019 awards season comes to a close, wrapping up another quality decade of cinema, I thought it would be fun to look at each of the Academy Award winners of the past ten years and declare an ultimate winner in each major category. What films, performances, scripts, and more will endure the test of time from the 2010’s?

Continue reading “Oscars of the Decade: 2010’s”